Monday, March 28, 2016

Happily Ever After....and the budget!

Hey guys, so I’m back on here to talk about finances! Karlos and I have been married for a little over two years, and we are in no way money experts, but we’ve discovered a system that works for us. I hope that by sharing it can help you too. Budgeting is one of the most important things you can do to help your marriage. Studies show, that finances and money problems remain the leading cause of divorce in today’s society. With that being said, let’s get started!

First, I want to give you a little background on our spending personalities. Karlos is definitely the saver in our relationship. His savings account was full of untouched money, and even his checking account didn’t go below a certain dollar amount. I, on the other hand, am definitely a spender by nature. I purchased on impulse, and if I wanted it I bought it, overdraft included. I didn’t have much savings because I would transfer money to pay for something I wanted to buy that was not a necessity. Needless to say I was frivolous while Karlos was frugal. We did discuss, in detail, our finances before we got married. This included us knowing about each other’s debt, each other’s income and each other’s spending habits.

When we first wed in 2013, we decided to join our primary bank accounts. So we added my name to his bank account, and I became just as authorized as him to spend as I pleased. Now, I do have two other accounts, one because of a car loan that I had before we got married, which is now paid off, and the other because of my business. Karlos knows about both of these accounts, his name is on them, and he knows the logins, passwords, etc. So I do think it’s ok to have separate accounts for these purposes, but never any secret accounts or stashes that your spouse has no knowledge of. The transition to one account was pretty smooth for the most part, but the spending and saving personalities began to butt heads. We also noticed that we never seemed to have enough money at the end of the month. This habit went on for about a year, until we decided we wanted to take control of our finances. We started calculating what our fixed expenses were and realized we were leaving some major dollars out there to spend themselves. From then on, we knew it was time to do something different.

At the beginning of 2015, we began to take budgeting and finances seriously. We decided to calculate our incomes and expenses to see what we had been spending each month. We did a little reading and learned some things from Dave Ramsey and his Financial Peace University. The debt snowball concept and the zero balanced budget was something we really grasped onto. I decided to just write it all down in Microsoft Word, for each pay period, what our fixed expenses were. Then I would take the net income and subtract the fixed expenses from it to get what was left over. We assigned every “extra” dollar with a name. It could be $60 for a date night, $100 towards a vacation, or if your spouse is like mine, $20 to get the cars washed. No matter how large or small the expense, it was given a name. This helped us tremendously in making sure we knew exactly where every single dollar went each month. We also started using that extra money each month to put towards our smallest loan, the snowball effect. So far we have paid off three of our loans.

These concepts have been brilliant for our financial situation. Karlos and I have even balanced each other out when it comes to the spending and the saving. I would say we both know have a healthy dose of both spending personalities. Our goal of course is to become debt free within the next two years. I believe with these methods, we are on the right track. I have added a sample two income budget structure that we use below. Please feel free to copy and paste it into your own word document and adjust it to your needs. If you have any questions or additional tips, let us know in the comments section. Also, if there are any subjects you would like us to address, leave those in the comments as well.


Spouse 1 Monthly Income
Net – (Insert net amount)
Gross – (Insert gross amount)

Period One
-          $xx.xx tithes (date due) debited
-          $xx.xx offerings (date due) debited
-          $ xx.xx Student Loan (date due) debited
-          $ xx.xx Student Loan (date due) debited
-          $ xx.xx groceries/ household supplies cash
-          $ xx.xx gas cash
-          $ xx.xx water bill (date due) debited
-          $ xx.xx - Cell phone bill (date due) debited
-          $ xx.xx - Savings Account  auto draft
-          (This totals to be $xx.xx out of my check this pp, $xx.xx left over)

Period Two
-          $xx.xx tithes (date due) debited
-          $xx.xx offerings (date due) debited
-          $xx.xx Student Loan (date due) auto draft
-          $xx.xx Student Loan (date due) debited
-          $xx.xx groceries/household supplies cash
-          $xx.xx gas cash
-          $xx.xx – Renter’s Insurance auto draft
-          $xx.xx- Savings Account  auto draft
-          (This totals to be $xx.xx out of my check this pp, $xx.xx left over)

-          ($xx.xx out of my check ea. month, $xx.xx left over)

Spouse 2 Monthly Income
Net - (Insert net amount)
Gross - (Insert gross amount)

-          $ xx.xx - tithes (date due) debited
-          $ xx.xx - RENT (date due) debited
-          $ xx.xx - Loan (date due) auto draft
-          $ xx.xx - Car Insurance - both cars (date due) auto draft
-          $ xx.xx - Savings Account auto draft
-          $ xx.xx - Gas cash
-          $ xx.xx – internet debited
-          $ xx.xx - Energy Bill debited
-           ($xx.xx out of my check ea. month, $xx.xx left over)

$xx.xx left over each month (from both incomes)
Anything extra, or that isn’t a monthly expense, we highlight.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

BEL Decor: Private Residence : Dining Room

The colors chosen for this design were bright and airy. There is a huge window with plantation shutters, and we wanted to capitalize on the natural light. Creme curtains with a subtle design hang on the side of each side of the window. Duck Egg Blue chalk paint revitalizes this six chair dining table. The client owned this table before and when we discussed that it could be kept, they were all in! We reupholstered the former leather seat cushions with a linen fabric. The room is gorgeous!!

Frontal view of dining room. 

I had to put some of my original artwork in this room.

We used King's gold gilding wax on the bottom of this table and chairs to give it some character.

Orange is in this room to match the orange colors in the living room. Since the living/dining space is open, we wanted to use similar colors in both spaces to create a cohesiveness in the design.

Simple candle holders and  a large plate are decor for the buffet.

Side view of the dining room.

This was the original buffet with the dining set, but this piece was painted in Old White chalk paint to compliment the blue.

Another view of the space.
We hope you like what we've done! Let us know in the comments below!!

See you soon with more great stuff!


For more info or price quotes email:

Follow us on Instagram: @bel_decorandinteriors 
Like us on Facebook: BEL Decor and Interiors, LLC

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

BEL Decor : Private Residence : Master Bedroom and Bathroom

Purple was our client's choice for this room. We brought in gold accents with the pillows and furniture trim to give it a regal feel.
 This master bedroom was one of our biggest furniture projects to date. The couple had this set, but wanted it painted. It was a cherry color before.We used Annie Sloan Chalk Paint (ASCP) - Coco for the main color and trimmed in ASCP - Old White. It turned out beautiful!
Pillows make a cozy statement when added in different sizes and patterns.

This dresser was painted in ASCP - Old White to accent the other furniture being painted in Coco.
This ottoman was reupholstered in a white faux leather and spray painted with Rustoleum gold.

The master bathroom was already gorgeous. We brought in simple accessories to compliment the space since the floors and counter tops were already the main attraction.
Simple bathroom accessories for this already bright space.

Floral arrangements can be simple, yet elegant, even in a bathroom.

 We hope you like what we've done! Let us know in the comments below!!

See you soon with more great stuff!


Monday, January 25, 2016

BEL Decor : Private Residence - Kids Bedroom

 Our latest project has been a local bedroom redesign for a kids room. The first two pictures are "before" pics just to kind of give you an idea of what the room looked like before. Turquoise and pink with cheetah print is what the family wanted. So here is what we did......
Where bed was before
Before of nook area

Bedroom Nook (painted nook in Sherwin Williams - Tame Teal)
We moved the bed to the empty nook area and painted the walls in Sherwin Williams - Tame Teal. Since the family wanted cheetah print, we added the print with pillow accessories and a plush throw that now lays over the bed.
After close up
 The night stand was one she already had, but it was painted to match the new color scheme.
Night stand accessories close up
Another front of bedroom nook after

We used sheer gold lined linen curtains for this window. They match the curtains in the bedroom nook.

 In the main area of the bedroom, we accented the nook's new color with a light neutral color, Sherwin Williams - Accessible Beige, this brings a bright and airy cohesiveness to the room.
A dainty study area has been made of the space where the bed used to sit. (painted bedroom area in Sherwin Williams - Accessible Beige)
 With the new wall color, we had to add some beautiful and inspirational art.

We hope you like what we've done! Let us know in the comments below!!

See you soon with more great stuff!


Thursday, June 4, 2015


-For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.-
Romans 6:23

                Sin…is…costly.  It’s so costly that it will rob you of your life, peace, joy, and hope. It’s insidious, conniving, and greedy. Indwelling sin and its presence in the lives of man can even seem right, when in all actuality it’s wrong. And if you’ve lived any amount of time, you can see the effects of sin in your own life. For its temporal pleasures are fleeting in comparison to the everlasting punishment it can bring without the right remedy: Christ Jesus. Even still if it comes as a surprise to you that mankind is totally depraved and loves the fruit and pleasure of sin, then you may be self-deceived and in need of your spiritual eyes and ears to be opened to the necessity of the Gospel of Christ. So, let me share with you a bit of my testimony and how the Lord enlightened my heart to this truth, this year.
In my estimation, 2015 started off to be an outstanding year full of optimism, aspiration and goals for the future. My wife and I were headed into our second year of marriage and everything seemed to be copasetic. Some call it the “honeymoon” phase. Progressively, we began cancelling debts, working on our five- year plan, applying for graduate school, and really discussing our life pursuits and business, outright. We also began reading the New Testament together, praying, and really seeking the Lord’s direction. I believe our hearts were truly bent towards living for Christ, but it was also riddled with some natural anxiety and fear about the unknown. That’s when death showed up.
In the process of my life plans, death came sharply to my doorstep, too close for comfort. I had an older cousin, James Roberson, be brutally murdered by an ex-girlfriend in cold-blood. The reasoning behind the heinous crime really is inexcusable and it left my family and me with more questions than answers, and more frustration than joy. Even attending the wake and funeral seemed surreal. I couldn’t believe what was happening to my family and to me. In fact, the entire situation had me reevaluating my own life, and I thought seriously about what and who I lived for.
James and I were the exact same age, and although we grew up in early childhood, we drifted apart over the years. Due to God’s grace and different lifestyle choices, I navigated around some of the challenges and dismal circumstances that James and other close relatives have lived through. The generational curses in my family perpetuate the cycle, and healing is still taking place. However, that doesn’t excuse me from the indwelling sin that I tolerated.
Of course, it is a well-known fact that within the Christian walk, we will face challenges of many kinds. It would be unrealistic to expect to live for Christ and not be met with opposition, whether it is self-induced, or inflicted upon you by temporal circumstances. Yet, the promise of Christ to be an anchor for our souls still stands sure, and we should grow confidently in the reassurance of our salvation in Him. So, since we know that’s the truth, then why does fear and anxiety grip us so?
Fear, anxiety, and continuous stress are all derivatives of sin, and a lack of trust, assurance and faith in the Lord in some area. I would venture to say that all of my personal fears, anxieties, and stressors this year were all self-inflicted because of my inability to see Christ in light of scripture and truly trust Him with my future. When we attempt to take our lives in our own hands, manage the outcomes of every situation, and overthink the future, we fall a debtor to sin and every evil work.
Matthew 6 has to be one of the hallmark chapters for me concerning our Christian walk. Jesus teaches his followers of the importance of living our faith and love for God out in simplistic, and steady ways. Our devotion to the Lord is not to be used as an occasion to entertain and be seen of men. Christ says that those who do this have received their reward in full. Further in his teaching, He also says that with our lives we should consider the lilies of the field, and the birds of the air, how they don’t have stress over the circumstances of life, because our Heavenly Father takes care of all of their needs. So, how much more will God take care of his own people. Our faith must hold in Christ and Christ alone.
Sometimes, this truth is easier said than done. I began paying attention to the circumstances of life around me: death in the family, rumors of impending war on US soil, worry about when and where to move for graduate school, and the deceptive lie from Satan that Christ would not be enough for me. That’s when the greatest battle of my life began. Satan used my own intellect, fears, and analytical nature against me, perverting simple profound truths I’ve known for a long time, but flipped them upside down to make me focus more on my own flaws, rather than Christ’s provision. The enemy used a lie that in order for me to be truly saved, there was work I needed to do. But the truth is Christ has done all that needs to be done for my salvation, and he simply asks me to come, die daily, rest in his provision, and fight the good fight of faith in Christ.
To add fuel to the fire, I began to relive all of my past failings day after day after day, to the point that I thought and talked myself right out of faith in God, and into faith for the grave. That’s a debt that I could NEVER afford to pay. And as I hear the words of the Apostle Paul, “the wages of sin is death, and the gift of God is eternal life through Christ,” I ask myself if it’s flirting with sin on any level worth it? Is pornography worth losing my soul over? Is worry, stress, little faith worth losing my soul over? Is vain-conceit, selfish-ambition, and apathy worth losing my soul over? Furthermore, is the fear of man rather than the fear of God Almighty worth losing my soul over?
The answer is NO! No sin of any degree is worth losing your soul over. Christ came to pay for all sins and the wrath of God was satisfied in Christ when he died on the cross. Praise GOD for the outstanding gift of Christ! What a price and what a gift! Life is only worth living for Christ. Paul said, “To live is Christ, and to die is gain.” We should regard every sin, every distraction, and every temporal, fleeting pleasure a total loss just for the sake of gaining the greatest and most treasured prize in the universe: CHRIST! Heaven and hell are at stake every day, and what we do with the Gospel matters. Take the Gospel, study the Gospel, love the Gospel, treasure Christ and grow in discipleship. Let God be your exceeding great reward rather than the fleeting, empty rewards of sin. For the wages of sin is truly death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

BEL Decor: Bold. Elegant. Dining Room

We had so much fun decorating this space! The owners used the dining set from their previous home, but we gave it a fresh new look by painting it with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Duck Egg Blue! We accessorized with orange, silver and gold hues making the dining room a lovely place to enjoy dinner.

Let us know what you think about this space in the comments below!


BEL Decor: Bold. Elegant. Living Room

BEL Decor has recently completed decorating a living room space. Check out our work below and let me know what you think!

Living Room
We used a neutral gray palette, and added pops of color with accessories. 

Living Room (front)
The end tables were up-cycled from the previous home and painted with a fresh coat of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in a custom mix color. They bring symmetry to the room.

Living Room (accessories 1)

Living Room (accessories 2)
Books and vases are always great accessories for table and end pieces.

Living Room (accessories 3)

Please leave comments below and let us know what you think about this room!
